An Automobile Insurance policy provides you with the peace of mind & protection you deserve. We understand that accidents happen, and that's why we're here to support you every step of the way. With comprehensive coverage options, you can drive confidently. From collisions to theft, policies are designed to safeguard your vehicle & your financial well-being. Don't let uncertainty hold you back – choose an reliable Automobile Insurance and hit the road with confidence!
Classic Car Insurance Protection provides comprehensive coverage for vintage and antique vehicles. Whether it's a sleek '67 Mustang or a timeless VW Beetle, this coverage is tailored specifically for classic car owners who appreciate the value & uniqueness of their automobiles. With extensive coverage options, including liability, collision, & comprehensive, rest assured that your classic car is protected against theft, damage, & accidents.
Liability Automobile insurance is an essential coverage offers robust protection against any legal liabilities arising from accidents or damages caused by vehicles under your ownership. With a focus on safeguards, this policy ensures that you remain shielded from potential financial risks in the event of lawsuits or claims.
When available, it is always recommended to insure your car with an All Perils policy. This optional coverage is designed to respond to all causes of loss with the exception of risks specifically excluded from your auto policy.
During storms, the risk of debris damaging your car is high. Comprehensive Coverage protects your vehicle against damages caused by non-collision related risks such as:
• theft
• vandalism
• windshield damage
• fire
• weather related acts of nature
However, collision & upset are not covered by this option.
Collision Coverage helps pay for the cost of repairs to your vehicle if it's hit by another vehicle. Unlike some coverages, you don't select a limit for collision. The most it will pay is based on the actual cash value of your vehicle. You will be responsible for paying your selected deductible.